
Perhaps we can help you even faster with answers to the most frequently asked questions: Okay, I'd like to check that out first.

General Requests:
Please note that:
  • A lot of information can be found on our website. Please have a look around before sending us requests. Unfortunately, if you submit a question that can be answered by the online assistant or by reading the product descriptions, we cannot return an answer.
  • Please check the product Q&A if you have a question about a product. You can also submit a question there. 
  • We can not answer questions regarding other brands, please contact them directly.
  • We try to answer your request as soon as we can, that can also be with a quick link or short description.
    Not to be rude but to keep the reply times as short as possible. 
  • Do not use this form for "Sponsor requests" or "Reseller requests".
  • Sending in your request in English or Dutch will get you the fastest answer.
  • Due to the high amount of general requests it can take 1-3 business days to give you a detailed answer. You can also reach out to our owners group with more then 1000 members on Facebook. Please have some patience and don't send in multiple requests or ask the same question on multiple platforms.

It's not possible to change orders after checkout.

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